Monday, December 20, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight

There will be a total lunar eclipse tonight over Sussex County.  The eclipse of the Moon will begin at at 1:33 am (Tuesday morning) and end at 5:01am.  The Moon will be totally eclipsed by the Earth's shadow from 2:41am till 3:53.   Some other interesting facts: The afternoon have begun to get a little longer (about a minute each day or two) since the earliest sunset occurred two weeks ago on Dec 9th.
Astronomical winter begins today (Dec 21)
December's Sky Chart

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Geophysics: Links for class

2.  "Name that Rock": (answer questions 1-10 in your notebook):
3. Rock "Scavenger Hunt" (questions 1-10 in your notebook    NOTE: go to bottom of page, then click on "Fun Activities" then find and click on Scavenger Hut) :
4. Site to help you with "Matching Rock Properties" section of the worksheets:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Drake's Equation: Is there life out there?

Use the link provided to calculate "your" probability of intelligent life else where in our galaxy. There is a short video to help you. video: youtube video The Calculator:  

1. Right ascension / declination link:

2. Constellation and your zodiac sign article:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oldest Rocks in NJ Dated at 1.37 BILLION Years Old

This past week the state of New Jersey released information that the oldest rocks in NJ dated at 1.37 Billion years old. The geology of NJ rocks have never been dated to such a high degree. The rocks in Sparta seem to be dated at over 1 billion years old too.  For more information:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to find the Andromeda Galaxy ( 2 1/2 million light years away)

Use the star chart above and the link provided   ( how to find M31 ) to find the Andromeda Galaxy (also known as M-31) which is a large (200,000 light years across) spiral galaxy near our own.  That's if you consider ~ 2.5 million light-years away, close.  This is the most distant object you can see with a telescope. The link to identify satellites and the space station is located to the right of this page (heavens-above).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Geology and Astronomy Internet Lab Activities (moon landing sims)

Lab activity site: :   type in "keyword block" the activity number in the upper left of your worksheet.

VIRTUAL EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY:  Calculate the epicenter and the magnitude of an earthquake in the United States. 

MAKE A EARTHQUAKE  (simulation) : Questions in notebook:   1.What type of building construction is the best in a major earthquake?  2. Which type of ground is the worse even in a "minor" earthquake?  3. What type of construction is the worse, even in a minor quake?

Rock and Mineral Identification Activity:  Place all answers in your notebook.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friday Night Observations on the Boardwalk

There will be a night observation session on the Lake Mohawk boardwalk this Friday, Nov. 12 (weather permitting) from 5:30-6:30. We will observe the planet Jupiter and it's 4 large "moons" along with the first quarter Moon through an 8 inch telescope.  Also at 6:28 there will be a pass of the International Space Station.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shuttle passes of NW New Jersey Tonight (@ 7:12pm) and this weekend

Tonight: Thursday the space station will come out of the SW (at 7:12) and head overhead passing the bright star Vega and then disappear (at 7:17) into the Earth's shadow just after it passes by the constellation Cassiopeia (see chart above)For more information (times /directions and star charts) on tonight's pass and other passes the next few nights: click on the link:   or click on Heavens Above link to the right of this site.

Shuttle's Toilet Requires Special Training

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Summer 2010: tied for Warmest Ever !

The summer of 2010 tied for the warmest summer in the past 130 years. For more information: (Click Here)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Astronomical Calculator

Use this link to answer questions in Lab:
(astronomical calculator

Meteor Shower in the morning sky over NJ...Oct 18-20th for more information Click Here!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Sunspots are Back

After about a year delay, the Sunspots are back!  For the latest /realtime images: (Click here) For Live Solar Images

Friday, January 22, 2010

60 Minutes: Report on Haiti

Warning: This video is rather dramatic, showing death and horrendous conditions.  The purpose of posting it is to give you an idea of the conditions after a major disaster and the people who try to help.  Watching this video is at your own discretion and NOT Required.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2000-2009 warmest decade in past 120 years !

The decade from 2000 to 2009 was the warmest in recorded history.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NEXT TEST- Skin Cancer (reading)- NJ Climate

1) Link to article about the dangers of sun tanning and skin cancer.
2) Practice test to be given in class this week
3) NEXT TEST: Monday 1/25:  Chapter 22.1 / 22,2 + ozone depletion and skin cancer.   
4) This week is "on average" the coldest in Sussex County, starting next week the average temperature begin to increase by 1-2 F per week till the warmest weeks in mid to late July.