Monday, September 16, 2013

The Old Famer's Almanac "predictions" for the winter 2013-2014

The 2013 Old Farmer's Almanac's predictions for snow for north-western New Jersey (Sussex County) & surrounding areas. NOTE: This is a "prediction" based on sunspots, past weather patterns & a current understand in meteorology. It is NOT a weather forecast based on current weather conditions

OCT: Above average temperatures, no snow predicted.
NOV: Chance of cold rain or snow showers beginning and end of the month, no major snow events
DEC: No major snow events: but multiple days of rain/snow followed by very cold conditions
JAN: Above average temperatures, no major snow events.
FEB: (1-3) Heavy rain or snow followed by very cold weather, (16-18th) another storm with snow possible, (21-22) another chance of snow
MARCH: snow showers early in the month, (17th) heavy rain

Overall: Winter should be cooler and drier than normal. Best chance of snow is in December and February. 

Graduation: JUNE: (22-30) Sunny & Hot with T-storms then cooler temperatures
